Sunday, May 23, 2010

On our window sill

Well, everybody, our "last day of school" is tomorrow and I'm beginning to see the bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Unfortunately for me, that bright light happens to be the sun.

The hot sun.

Summer is coming.

And while I dread the heat I do look forward to the end of our homeschool co-op year and the beginning of our summer lessons.

Before we jump right into a new season I have a few springish pictures left to share. I took pictures of this charming display mainly to preserve it. It's such an odd collection of items to have on one's window sill.

Unless you have several boys.

Want a closer look?

This is Jack the Cricket. See him sitting on the slice of potato?

Next we have a container of worms, I think. I know it's neither cooked black beans nor
"tah n ". It has no lid so it must be the worms. They aren't big escapers.

Several boxes of caps...

Oh and my favorite: the owl pellets...

Happy almost end of the school year to everyone out there!


Unknown said...

I keep thinking I need to post the collection of items on top of my dryer. I LOVE your collection! We are going to continue our 'light' schedule through the summer but I am happy to be done with the other stuff too! Happy Summer.

Unknown said...

I love your collection, too. But, I thought that something had happened to Jack. Maybe this is an earlier picture. Thanks for blogging your exciting life with your wonderful family.

Unknown said...

Mom, you are right. These pictures are from early April. And Jack didn't live very long with his potato slice on the window sill!

Timmy said...

Phun pix. We've been praying for the end of the year on Wednesday nights @ church. A lot of homeschool families and even more antsy kids.

How many cap guns you got?

Candice said...

Fun! I love little boys! :)